Every other month, LICC highlights one of our outstanding volunteers for the "Volunteer Spotlight Award". These dedicated individuals are recognized for going above & beyond in their role helping the community. CONGRATULATIONS to Helene Leitner for the May/June 2024 award!
LICC provides programs and services to support and empower Long Islanders at critical times in their lives.
Volunteer Opportunities
You can make a difference to Long Islanders in need. Find out way to get involved today!
ChatLIVE Long Island
Online and Mobile Chat Counseling Speak to a counselor from any computer, tablet or smart phone! Free live online and mobile counseling is available 7 days a week, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. This service is for Long Island
What Our Volunteers Are Saying
One of my most treasured experiences... I volunteered with the Long Island Crisis Center for years and I can say they are doing some of the most challenging and essential work imaginable. HIGHLY recommended.
The atmosphere is amazing, and the people (paid staff and other volunteers alike) are some of the most lovely people you could ever meet. The paid staff truly care and do what they can for the volunteers and a true sense of friendship and camaraderie can be felt.
Our Lifesaving Work
Concerned About a Friend on Social Media?
If someone you know is posting concerning content on social media or talking about suicide, it's important to speak up right away. Check out this quick guide to find out what you can do.